Pet Wellness & Therapy, LLC

Helping People Help Their Pets by Providing Alternative Solutions for the Health and Wellness of Your Pets in a Spa Like Atmosphere



Pet Wellness & Therapy provides solutions that help you and your animals attain quality of life together and maintain that quality throughout their lifetime. We utilize a Canine Water Treadmill designed to offer low-impact therapy or workouts for dogs, an Electric Canine Treadmill offering fitness sessions to help your dog get and maintain a healthy weight and life by building endurance, strength, and happiness plus Cold Therapy Laser ses...

Laser therapy provides your pet with a non-invasive, painless, non-surgical, and drug-free treatment that can target a variety of different health conditions. It is also safe to be performed in conjunction with other existing treatments. The cold laser is used to stimulate the natural healing process so that your pet recovers more quickly. This can be a recovery from an injury, planned surgery, or a general health problem.  

This proces...

Animal communication sessions allow you to bridge the gap between you and your animal’s thoughts, emotions and energy. This allows you to deepen your relationship with your pet and further understand how they move through this earth, what they like and what sets them off. Animal communication is a telepathic conversation with animals of all kinds. Telepathy is communicating with your mind rather than your five senses. It is a mind to mind...

EFT/TAPPING - Release trigger emotions by tapping on acupressure points.

TTOUCH - Help reprogram muscle response. Also for anxiety.


Why Choose Us?

Wifi on the premises
Free consultation
Cashapp accepted
Venmo accepted
Wheelchair accessible
Parking available
Debit & Credit Cards accepted


1 Reviews

Melissa Kuian

11 September 2022

11 September


What Our Lovely Clients Say

Kathy Ang

We have used Gwen’s animal communication services for 8 years. Initially it was just a fun thing to try and we were skeptical, but Gwen helped us understand why our dog would no longer climb in the car and helped us figure out how to resolve that issue based on what our pet had communicated to her. We were also able to convey to our dog things we wanted him to know. 

Gwen gave us insight over the years to our dog’s like and dislikes, needs and physical issues. Whenever we wanted to understand what our dog was experiencing, we would consult Gwen. When our dog was diagnosed with lymphoma, Gwen’s communication with him gave us reassurance that we were doing the right thing with his treatment. It was so comforting to know we were carrying out his wishes and to be able to tell him what was going on. I couldn’t have gotten through his death without it and without Gwen. I don’t know how Gwen does it but she truly has a gift. If you don’t believe, just try!

Jul 28, 2022
Joyce Roethke Lichtenfels

The cold laser therapy has helped Cocoa recover quickly from what we think is a partially torn ACL. Thanks Gwen for taking such good care of my favorite family member!

Jul 28, 2022
Jennifer Mclaughlin

Gwen did an amazing job with my bird. She kept him calm and talked to him throughout his therapy. Definitely recommend!

Jul 28, 2022